Diagnose and Treat Life-threatening Diseases by NanoBiotechnology
Broadly, we are taking advantages of emerging nanobiotechnology to solve key medical problems. As an example, We use nanotechnolgy-based strategies to develop safer and more effective vaccine formulations. By making adjuvant and antigen co-delivery nanosystems, we aim to train the immune systems fighting againt a wide variety of diseases such as cancers and infectious diseases. In addition, we are greatly interested in CRISPR-Cas9 delivery. Please refer to
Li et al, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2022, 455, 214345 (Metal-based nanovaccines)
Li et al ACS Nano, 2022, 16, 10, 16909-16923 (Metal micelles for cancer metalloimmunotherapy)
Ren et al, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c18117 (Immunotherapy)
Zhang et al, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202102365 (CRISPR-Cas9 delivery)
Drug Delivery
Toxicity is a serious roadblocker in pharmaceutical research, preventing the vast majority of drug formulations going into clinics. Therefore, to solve the toxicity issue, we developed a series of polymeric drug delivery systems such as surfactant-stripped induced frozen micelles (ss-infroms) and crosslinked micelles. The primary goal is to develop safe and smart drug delivery systems for different biological environments. Our research interests involve delivery of small molecules, peptides and proteins. Please refer to
Zhang et al Nature Communications, (2016), 7, 11649 ,
Zhang et al, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, (2018), 52, 25,
Yang et al, Journal of Controlled Release, (2022) 341, 329-340
Yang et al, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (2021) 13, 8, 9630-9642
Molecular Imaging
Early detection and precisely monitoring disease conditions are greatly needed for disease diagnosis. Towards that end, we have developed a new method for the generation of a novel class of nanoplatform termed surfactant stripped induced frozen micelles (ss-infroms) that can be used for non-invasive imaging of intestine, tumor, lymph node, etc with high resolution and specificity. Ss-infroms can be concentrated to very high concentration (absorbance>1000), likely representing the most colorful materials, which is advantagous for bioimaging with high resolution and without penetration depth limitation. We are particularly interested in intestinal imaging. Please refer to
Zhang et al Nature Nanotechnology, (2014) 9, 631
Zhang et al Advanced Materials, (2016) 28, 8524
Jiang et al Advanced Healthcare Materials, (2021), 10, 2100356
Ding et al Small, (2021), DOI:10.1002/smll.202104132